Tuesday 10 September 2013

Mobile technologies that are blurring the distraction between at home and work.

Thanks to current day technology it is just as easy to work from home than to physically have to actually go to work and if you really wanted to you can make having to go to work an unnecessary task. You can now work from home without the need for a computer as more modern technologies such as tablets and mobile phones can now do the same job, if not more and even at a greater speed. Mobile phones, if used properly and to their full potential, can be more advanced and a better form of work than most computers and allows you to work at home or even anywhere when you're not at work. The wide variety of tablets available to buy now make it much easier to work from home and can actually turn out to be a much cheaper way to work as it saves money on the original purchase of equipment and you can even save money in areas such as fuel money as you no longer have to drive to your work wherever it may be without the need to. With modern technology like the wide variety of laptops, tablets and mobile phones it means that even if you do choose to work from your office it means you can bring them back to your home and work from the comfort of your own sofa or bed.


  1. The only problem is with phones and a lot of portable technology is the distraction of the internet, apps such as Facebook and Twitter can bring personal life into work life. They provide a massive distraction and can slow down you work speed if you are not careful.

  2. I agree with this but certain apps can interfere with the daily life or work. some apps do not require permission to interrupt on a important call with a vibration. this can lead to distractions in the workplace and a fall in productivity.

  3. How often do we actually use phones in a working environment without the distraction of procrastinating with other activities.

  4. Mobile devices like the iPad are great for people who work from home or who are constantly on the move as company's can create custom apps that can be used to by these people to access the information that they require quickly and efficiently on a device that's very light weight and has a battery that lasts all day. And as for using social networks on them this can all be disabled by the employer, in a similar way in which they block it on the desktop computers in the office.

  5. I agree with everything that has been said I think that social networking I the biggest problem when working from home. Not only social networking that distracts us from our work but the Internet in general as it provides so much more to do than the mundane task of having to do our work.
