Tuesday 10 September 2013

A self-service environment in which consumers carry out activities and transactions independently

The internet allows you to become very independent and allows you the full control to undergo activities and transactions that may be a hassle for some depending on their situation such as age or location etc. or even if they do have the ability to do these easily they prefer to do so without having to leave the comfort of there own home and with little effort whatsoever. Some of these activities may include even simple things such as shopping, enabling all different types of shopping such as shopping for your essentials e.g. food and grocery shopping or shopping for luxuries for your personal benefit such as clothes shopping or buying new technology, both of which you can have delivered to your house to eliminate leaving the house all together or have them made available in a store nearest to you. Another ever growing revolution in independent transactions is that of on-line banking making it easy to pay any costs that need paying such as bills for extremes from your house payments e.g. heating and electricity to lending some money to a friend or family member by transferring money that they ask to borrow or you owe them form a past event.


  1. There are many examples of places you can buy things from online, such as Ebay, Amazon, and specific sites for different types of services and produce, like Apple or Microsoft. A lot of businesses are now taking the opportunity to advertise and sell their work online.

  2. I agree, some companies have now started off online and are then moving to the high street if demand is high enough.

  3. Agreed, eliminates the barrier of weather and location.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I do agree, I think shopping is the main form in which we see this due to the fact we have a wide spread of places to buy from thank you Macaulay. I do think it allows business to begin initially online and nice to the high street if they're a success and it does mean you initially don't need to worry of thing like location, thank you Chris an Andrew.
